Interduction of physics

What is  Physics 

Physics is the branch of science which deals with matter and its relation to energy.

It involves study of physical and natural phenomena around us. Examples of these phenomena are formation of rainbow, occurrence eclipse, the fall of things from up to down, the cause of sunset and sunrise, formation of shadow and many more.

Physics as a subject is divided into six broad branches as discussed below.

i) Mechanics

This branch deals majorly with motions under the influence of forces. Under this branch, we look into details the aspects of linear, circular and oscillatory motions as well as motion of fluids

ii) Geometrical Optics

This branch takes a keen look at the behavior of light in various media.

iii) Electricity and magnetism

This branch looks at the interaction between electric fields and magnetic fields and the applications of such interactions.

iv) Thermodynamics

This branch looks at how heat as a form of energy is transformed to/from other forms of energy.

v) Atomic Physics

This area of study is targeted at the behavior of particles of the nucleus and the accompanying energy changes.

vi) Waves

It deals with the study of the propagation of energy through space.

Relationship between physics and otheir subjects

Physics does not only relate the remaining two science subjects but also enjoys a relationship with other subjects as well.

PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS Physics relates strongly with mathematics, Many physics concepts are expressed mathematically.Many physics formulae are expressed mathematically.

PHYSICS AND BIOLOGYKnowledge of lenses in physics is used in making microscope used in study of cells in biology. Physics formulae are used in calculation of magnification by microscopes.The knowledge of levers helps to explain locomotion in Biology.

Physics and Chemistry. Physics has helped in explaining forces within atoms and therefore atomic structure. It is this structure of the atom that then determines the reactivity of the atom as explained in chemistry.

4. Physics and ReligionOrderliness of systems in the universe can be traced back to the Creator.Many wonders of creation include the anomalous expansion of water, the rainbow.

5. Physics and GeographyAccurate use of instruments and physics concepts can establish weather patterns and explain formation of rainfall, pressure variations.Use of magnetic properties of lodestone and other materials help navigators to determine direction.

6. Physics and Technology.

Some areas of technology that requires knowledge of physics are:

In medicine.

X-rays, lasers, scanners which are applications of physics are used in diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


Satellite communication, internet, fibre optics are applications of internet which requires strong foundation in physics.

In industrial applications

In the area of defense, physics has many applications e.g. war planes, laser-guided bombs which have high level accuracy.

In entrainment industry, knowledge of physics has use in mixing various colours to bring out the desirable stage effects

Physics is the branch of science which deals with matter and its relation to energy.

It involves study of physical and natural phenomena around us. Examples of these phenomena are formation of rainbow, occurrence eclipse, the fall of things from up to down, the cause of sunset and sunrise, formation of shadow and many more.

Physics as a subject is divided into six broad branches as discussed below.

i) Mechanics

This branch deals majorly with motions under the influence of forces. Under this branch, we look into details the aspects of linear, circular and oscillatory motions as well as motion of fluids

ii) Geometrical Optics

This branch takes a keen look at the behavior of light in various media.

iii) Electricity and magnetism

This branch looks at the interaction between electric fields and magnetic fields and the applications of such interactions.

iv) Thermodynamics

This branch looks at how heat as a form of energy is transformed to/from other forms of energy.

v) Atomic Physics

This area of study is targeted at the behavior of particles of the nucleus and the accompanying energy changes.

vi) Waves

It deals with the study of the propagation of energy through space.

Relationship between physics and otheir subjects

Physics does not only relate the remaining two science subjects but also enjoys a relationship with other subjects as well.

PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS Physics relates strongly with mathematics, Many physics concepts are expressed mathematically.Many physics formulae are expressed mathematically.

PHYSICS AND BIOLOGYKnowledge of lenses in physics is used in making microscope used in study of cells in biology. Physics formulae are used in calculation of magnification by microscopes.The knowledge of levers helps to explain locomotion in Biology.

Physics and Chemistry. Physics has helped in explaining forces within atoms and therefore atomic structure. It is this structure of the atom that then determines the reactivity of the atom as explained in chemistry.

4. Physics and ReligionOrderliness of systems in the universe can be traced back to the Creator.Many wonders of creation include the anomalous expansion of water, the rainbow.

5. Physics and GeographyAccurate use of instruments and physics concepts can establish weather patterns and explain formation of rainfall, pressure variations.Use of magnetic properties of lodestone and other materials help navigators to determine direction.

6. Physics and Technology.

Some areas of technology that requires knowledge of physics are:

In medicine.

X-rays, lasers, scanners which are applications of physics are used in diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


Satellite communication, internet, fibre optics are applications of internet which requires strong foundation in physics.

In industrial applications

In the area of defense, physics has many applications e.g. war planes, laser-guided bombs which have high level accuracy.

In entrainment industry, knowledge of physics has use in mixing various colours to bring out the desirable stage effectsphysics

Physics is one of the most significant disciplines of natural science,whics describe the nature and properties of matters 

Development of Physics

During the ancient period, the development of physics took place with the development of astronomy.

However, during the medieval period, a notable work of the Arab writer and scientist Ibn Al-Haitham revolutionized the concept of physics.

Ibn Al-Haitham had written a book in seven volumes namely “Kitāb al-Manāẓir “also known as “The Book of Optics.”

In this book, Ibn Al-Haitham disprove the ancient Greek concept of vision and introduced a new theory.

Ibn Al-Haitham had also introduced the concept of the pinhole camera.

During the late medieval period, Physics became a separate discipline of the natural science.

In making physics as a separate discipline, the major contributions were given by the European scientists.

These modern European scientists had been introduced different concepts of physics and discovered and invented many new technologies.

For example, Copernicus replaced the ancient view of geocentric model and introduced the heliocentric concept; Galileo invented the telescopes, Newton discovered the laws of motion and universal gravitation, etc.

The era of modern physics came with the discovery of quantum theory by Max Planck and theory of relativity by Albert Einstein.

Physics Scientists 

After development of modern physics, the ear of applied physics commenced where emphasis is given on ‘research’ on a particular use.

The particle physicists have been consistently designing and developing the high energy accelerators, detectors, and computer programs.

Nuclear physics is another branch of modern physics that studies the constituents and interactions of the atomic nuclei.

The most widely known inventions and applications of nuclear physics are the generation of nuclear power and the development of nuclear weapons technology.

At present, the physic scientists are working on the concept of high-temperature superconductivity


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