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Marksman MCQ Question and Answers

  Marksman MCQ Question And answer

Introduction of Dengue and Chikungunia A

 INTRODUCTION Dengue and chikungunya are both arboviral diseases caused by single-stranded RNA viruses ( DENV). They are both vigorous viruses spread by the Aedes mosquito. Both the diseases are occurs at temperature and ecoregions on spared all over the world.  Dengue fever was first explained as “ Water intoxication” correlated with flying insects in a Chinese medical encyclopedia in 992 Since the Jin Dynasty (265-420 AD). The word “dengue” is derived from the Swahili phrase Ka-dinga pepo, meaning “cramp-like seizure”. The first clinically recognized dengue epidemics transpired practically  in Asia,  Dengue virus has 4 distinct serotypes (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4). Infection with one serotype gives lifelong immunity against a particular serotype and less immunity against other serotypes. Flavivirus includes yellow fever, West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Dengue viruses belong to the genus Flavivirus in the family Flaviviridae. Dengue fever is al

ରନ୍ଧନ ଗ୍ୟାସ୍ ସହିତ ଜଡିତ ଜିନିଷଗୁଡିକ ଜାଣନ୍ତୁ, ସରକାରୀ ନିୟମ କ’ଣ ଏବଂ ଆପଣଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଲାଭ କ’ଣ?

 *ରନ୍ଧନ ଗ୍ୟାସ୍ ସହିତ ଜଡିତ ଜିନିଷଗୁଡିକ ଜାଣନ୍ତୁ, ସରକାରୀ ନିୟମ କ’ଣ ଏବଂ ଆପଣଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଲାଭ କ’ଣ?*  ସାବଧାନ ରୁହନ୍ତୁ କ୍ଷତିରୁ ଦୂରେଇ ରୁହନ୍ତୁ |  ପ୍ରାୟ ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ ଘରେ ଗ୍ୟାସ୍ ସିଲିଣ୍ଡର ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଏ |  ସରକାରଙ୍କ ଉଜୱାଲା ଯୋଜନା ଅନୁଯାୟୀ ଅଧିକାଂଶ ପରିବାରରେ ଗ୍ୟାସ ସଂଯୋଗ ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହୋଇଛି।  କିନ୍ତୁ, ଅଧିକାଂଶ LPG ଗ୍ରାହକ ଗ୍ୟାସ ସଂଯୋଗ ସହିତ ଜଡିତ ଏହି ନିୟମ ଜାଣିବେ ନାହିଁ |  ଯଦି କୌଣସି ଗ୍ୟାସ୍ ଏଜେନ୍ସି ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ସିଲିଣ୍ଡରର ହୋମ ଡେଲିଭରି ଦେବାକୁ ମନା କରେ ଏବଂ ସିଲିଣ୍ଡର ପାଇବା ପାଇଁ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଏଜେନ୍ସି ଗୋଡାଉନ୍ ଯିବାକୁ ପଡିବ |  ଅନେକ ଥର ଏହା ଘଟେ ଯେ ଆମେ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରୁଥିବା ଜିନିଷଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଉପକାରିତା ବିଷୟରେ ଆମର ଅଳ୍ପ ଧାରଣା ଥାଏ |  ଆଜି ଆମେ ଭାରତର ଗ୍ୟାସ ଗ୍ରାହକଙ୍କୁ ଗ୍ୟାସ ସଂଯୋଗ ସହ ଜଡିତ ଅନେକ ତଥ୍ୟ କହୁଛୁ ଯାହା ଗ୍ରାହକମାନେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଜାଣି ନାହାଁନ୍ତି।    *ଯଦି ଆପଣ ନିଜେ ଗୋଲଡାଉନ୍ ରୁ ସିଲିଣ୍ଡର ଆଣନ୍ତି*  ଯଦି ଆପଣଙ୍କର କୌଣସି ଗ୍ୟାସ୍ ଏଜେନ୍ସିର ସଂଯୋଗ ଅଛି ଏବଂ ଆପଣ ସିଲିଣ୍ଡରକୁ ନିଜ ଗୋଡାଉନ୍ ରୁ ଆଣିଛନ୍ତି, ତେବେ ଆପଣ ଏଜେନ୍ସିରୁ 19 ଟଙ୍କା 50 ପଇସା ପ୍ରତ୍ୟାହାର କରିପାରିବେ |  କୌଣସି ଏଜେନ୍ସି ଏହି ରାଶି ଦେବାକୁ ମନା କରିବେ ନାହିଁ |  ଦୟାକରି ଧ୍ୟାନ ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ ଯେ ଏହି ରାଶି ଆପଣଙ୍କଠାରୁ ଏକ ବିତରଣ ଚାର୍ଜ ଭାବରେ ଚାର୍ଜ କରାଯାଏ |  ଏହି ରାଶି ସମସ୍ତ କମ୍ପ



Dengue and a chikungunia tests

  Mainly  Dengue testing is split up into 2 classes 1.  Direct Tests 2.  Indirect Tests Direct test  1.1.  Dengue NS1 Antigen This test is performed early in the course of infection, usually within the first 5 days of the onset of symptoms. This is because NS 1 antigen starts to appear from the very first day of dengue infection and may be present for up to 5-7 days. Thereafter, it starts disappearing from the body and may therefore indicate false-negative results. 1 .2 Dengue RT-PCR test This test is also used to detect the dengue virus in the early method from  5 to 7 days of the disease. It detects the viral genome ie genetic material of the virus in the blood. This test is around 90% sensitive and 95% specific against the infection. This is the most sensitive and specific test recommended to be taken in the preliminary phase of the infection.  The Dengu PCR test  should be done within 5 days after the symptoms start to seem. Indirect Tests 2.1  Immunoglobulin M (IgM) test for Dengu

One-Liners Weekly Current Affairs from 2nd May - 8th May,


Revisions Before, After, Name the numbers Place Values 5
